Monday, October 23, 2006

Down In The Valley Of Hanky Panky, Bullfrog Jumps From Bank To Bank...

I wake up, and my body tells me you cannot go to work. I hate days like these. Weekend was Zippin' Pippin, with highs and lows that made me feel like an "astronaut on Earth." Today is beginning of a week where I can see the completion of a project (one reason I hate not being at work) and the conclusion of a contest. But I guess my work is frozen in time while I get my head together and also figure what I need to do on the home front. Christmas is two months away and my son has a date of birth celebration just before so I need to get stuff together.

I also saw the RNC commercial slamming Harold Ford Jr. I am not the biggest fan of Ford, (Has he ever had a real job?) but that commercial was dirty. If I was running, I would make Bob Corker and Dubya look like Fishbourne and Baldwin in Fled. But unfortunately for Ford, he tried to connect himself to Bush to appeal to Middle and East Tennessee. Why would you pledge your support to an inept President? That's as stupid as Al Gore (Jr. by the way) refusing to connect himself to a successful President.

I voted Friday, and I met Steve Cohen. He'll be a good representative for Memphis, but the disturbing thing is no matter how good he is, it's likely he will not get re-elected unless there is another glut of African-American candidates running in the Democratic primary in 2008.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dirty els and nees...

I bought FutureSex/LoveSounds today. I'm diggin' Sexy Ladies. I guess that bassline is reminding me of some old Time. I half expect to see Terry Lewis in the credits. The album isn't as good as Idlewild, but that's Kast we are talkin bout.

Speaking of Idlewild, it's crazy to see a group that has risen to my personal favorite have so much suffering when it comes to album sales and buzz. I guess LA Reid had more marketing prowess that he's given credit for. I hope Usher doesn't falter because he no longer hs LA watching his back.

Good Morning America and The Tom Joyner Morning Show are both broadcasting from Downtown Bluff City tomorrow so I guess I need to get up early so I can beat the traffic. I love to see my hometown get national attention and I hope that five years from now, we are hosting an NBA All-Star Game with several new skyscrapers that are in the planning stages.

Oops... I just got in trouble. I'm writing she's trying to get my attention. I guess I've gotta go.


Justin Timberlake... 1999 Latty would kick 2006 Latty's ass.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I've been abducted! How else can I explain being absent for so long. Since I last wrote, I got a new job, bought a house, and started seriously pondering making a big step that I've been predicting for years. All told, I decided yesterday to reload the blog. I look at several blogs everyday and why wouldn't I put my opinion out there for no one to read. Maybe doing this will keep my mouth shut. That'll make those that interact with me daily a little bit high-spirited...

So more is to come...

Promises, promises...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

It's been weeks. I got lax. I got lazy. I got Latty. I've had many emotions since my last entry, but I just didn't feel like writing. The kid got scared of thunder last night. There is something weird still that a little lifeform gets comfort from jumping into my arms and listening to my heartbeat. I guess the fact I never had a father makes this situation new for me. I had my mother of course, but I'm teaching myself how to be a dad because I never had one whom I can reference. I think I'm too mean to him sometimes and I need to figure new ways to have him behave as he needs to.

Sunday, Ziggy stayed with my mom, and I had something special planned. But like Hannibal on The A-Team, it didn't work out right.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

We come a long way like dem slim ass cigarettes from VA

MiJac is free... Dude was out on $3 million bail; he was already free! I think there are some people of a certain ethicity who believe he is automaticly a pedophile, and unjustly got off. Worsening matters, they feel African-Americans are celebrating Jackson getting off. Of all trials, this should be the one that race was completely irrelevant. There was a black man who everyone believes shuns his ethicity unless at the Jackson family picnic or at the Tommy Mottola Check Fest co-sponsored my the Rev. Al Shapton. There was a jury with no African-Americans on it (unless you count the alternates). There was a white judge. district attorney and defense lawyer. There was an hispanic accuser. Where was an echo of the preparing of a race card drop?

Irony is I think most African-Americans (at least the ones I encounter) think something is weird with the man, even if we don't think he is guilty. The two big high profile criminal cases in the last two years have been Kobe Bryant and Michael Jackson. Why is it each had extremely flawed accusers, and it is assumed that we believe in their innocence strictly because we are black. I think it is plausible that MiJac could molest a child; just like I think it is plausible Kobe Bryant could rape a woman if she said no after they had already started pre-sex rituals. But in cases of he said/ (s)he said, why is it so hard to believe the celebrities in cases involving a family of confidence artists and an emotionally disturbed slut?

MiJac needs to move to Europe and do some tours to raise some money. He needs to get Prince, Q, and Dre & Vidal to produce an album of SOUL MUSIC and leave the 80s dance moves with VH1 Classic. The best song on Invincible was "Butterflies" and that song had no video, and was not an attempt at making it on various genres. It was just straight neo-soul perfection. If Michael Jackson would go back to his roots, and stop pursuing the teens and twenty-somethings, making he'll get back to appealing to teens and twenty-somethings. Maybe he won't. Well SO WHAT!?!

I utter the l-word yesterday. It was fast. It wasn't how I planned to do it. It was just a moment. A moment that I felt it. I don't even remember why I said it. It was just something she did like she always does. She is so precious to me. It just feels like we need each other. When I picked her up from work, she looked so lovely. She had on a dress I had seen before, and it is by no means outlandish. But it has this earthly look that looks great on her. You see, she has a natural glamour look to her. But she has a commoner personality to her. So its like her physical look conflicts with her persona. The dress brings out her personality and brings a different kind of sexiness to her that just makes me scream inside... In a manly sort of way of course. My first sight of her each time I see her gets better on each subsequence viewing...

Friday, June 10, 2005

It's Friday, you got a job, and you got shit to do

Something cool happened last night. I was re-energized looking at her. It was just the most unexpected thing. (Supreme irony... As I write, of 100 songs I have on random on my media player, Not Like Crazy comes on.) I looked at her getting her hair together, and you looked more beautiful than she had. There was nothing new, nothing different. It was just a feeling that came over me. I get upset over the most insignificant things, and I was nitpicking over some of them, until I was starstuck at that moment. And I got happy. I entered bliss. I wonder if I'll have moments like this in the future with her, and I gleefully believe I will. If I'm blessed to make this a lifelong committment, then I know after a couple of decades and children, I will look at her in the bathroom getting together and that feeling will come over me again.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

You kids take your comedy too far, Reggie

I said something that upset her. I think it might have been more piercing than I could have ever intended. I don't want to give the wrong idea of previous situations and potential complications, but I only have done things that could give concern. I trust her. I want her to trust me. I am trying to handle this situation as well as I can, and I can only hope that she trusts me to do that. She has been a Godsend to me, and if I lose her over something that she feels could bring some negativity to her life, I would become the personification of depression.

Life can be cruel, and sometimes something good can be snatched as quickly as it is presented, but I am being positive that this time I've done it...

Hopefully I can prove to her she is first, and only....